Hello everybody! I'm going to be posting my updates from truck driving here as much as possible. I'll have photos, stories and other things that I will be putting on here so all of you can keep track of where I am and what I am doing. Be sure to keep coming back to check for my updates! - Chris

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Went back to school today...

I passed the tests and got my license a little over a month ago and couldn't start driving until I was 21. Well, I turned 21 a couple days ago and I leave on monday for gordon so I went back to school and practiced a bit with my shifting. I was really nervous that I was going to forget how to shift smoothly but I think I might of got a little better! Now that I have my license I am not so nervous... thank god. But I did have a little trouble with one thing today...

I drove over to the nearest truck stop to practice my backing in between two trucks. Now, at my school we hardly ever used the 48 footers ( Which I regret not asking to drive them more) we just used the little pups. So I have hardly any experience with backing a 48. Let me just say this, If it was a big truck stop that was busy, you guys would of been on the cb telling me " Hurry up driver". I made it but after a couple pull ups. It all really started with a bad approach, but from where the entrance is and where the empty spot was, it was the best I could do.

Now instead of being nervous about shifting for my road test with gordon on tuesday, I'm a bit weary of trying to dock a 53'!


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