Back in Salt lake city...
Wow, what a week. I left salt lake city and ran a load to Mt. Pleasant Iowa which is in the south eastern corner of Iowa. Stayed there for a night and then in the morning I went up the road a bit and picked up a load going to Madison Winsconsin. After getting up there I had to run back down to Pleasant Prairie, Winsconsin and take that to the Walmart Distrobution center here in Salt Lake City. Lots of miles, lots of long days and I was able to go to the Iowa 80 truck stop. I've always wanted to one day get a chance to go there and it was well worth it.
I was sitting here last night in the TA in toole,UT and I saw this swift driver drive by who looked like someone I knew from . So I get on the CB and say "Swift, ya got it on?" and he replied yeah. So I ask if he's brian from CAD and he's like yup. It turns out it was my friend and we've been hanging out here all day today. I'm taking a reset and he's waitingh to deliver tonight. So we've just been chattin' and wasting time together... It's nice and it makes the time fly by!
Whoops! I noticed this while hooking up to a trailer. It happend sometime from my drive in Rawling,WY to Salt Lake city. The hub seal blew and shot oil all over my brakes, brake drum, wheel,tires, everywhere. So I limped over to the truck stop here and waited for 6hrs to bring my truck into the shop.
I'd have to say that the Walmart DC in Grantsville, Utah win's the award for the nicest view of any yard.
Here's a perfect example of what not to do in a major city. I was able to shoot this photo because we were stopped for awhile...
The Chicago skyline.
Omaha,Nebraska is home to the Union Pacific museum... I'd love to go and check that out some day...
If I wasn't driving trucks I'd want to drive these. I'm still very interested in trains...
Out in the middle of no where in wyoming about 60 miles from Rawlins is where I decided to pull over for the night. It was extremely quite and very cold but it was a nice change from a truckstop. The gas station has been closed for quite some time it looked like.
It's my road!
How funny is that... I can't believe that you found someone that you know lol :)
We miss you so hope you come home soon!!! Don't worry I will take care of your girlfriend for you a little while longer but it's gonna cost you lol :)
Ok gotta go, girls are done with their bath.
5:59 PM
Good pictures, I start truck school May 8th and GTI seems like a good company to go with.
8:59 AM
Gotta love that dan ryan in chicago.. I drive on all the time in a small 14 foot box truck... hoping to go to school and get my license... great blog thanks for all the pic/comments
7:54 PM
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